Recruiting participants!

Researchers at the University of New Brunswick are looking for people to participate in an interview study about their experiences and perspectives on treatment for eating disorders and substance use. Please consider participating if you are:

  • Over 19

  • Live in New Brunswick or Nova Scotia, and

  • Have, or are recovered from, both substance use and disordered eating.

Interviews will be conducted online, in person, or via phone according to your preference, and will take approximately one hour. You will receive a $25 Visa gift card for participating in the interview.

To learn more about the study and indicate your willingness to participate, please complete this short survey: 

 This study has been reviewed by the UNB research ethics board and is on file as REB-2022-200. Contact Abbey Hunter( for more information.


Em Mittertreiner (they/them)


Normative body image development: A longitudinal meta-analysis of mean-level change